Well, mine anyway! Well, it’s been a year and a half since I blogged about OpenGL and Vulkan, and it’s time to check in about how that blog has aged. A year and a half later, I’ve done a lot more work on my three ongoing astronomy projects, and my experience has not changed my…Read more
(Vulkan + Astronomy) > “weekends on a boat”

No offense to my ‘weekend on boat’ friends<g>! My journey into Vulkan continues. In my last blog (has it really been a YEAR?) I talked about how OpenGL (ES) might just live forever, and it might just be the “higher level easier to use API” most people need who aren’t doing severely performance critical things….Read more
OpenGL is not dead, long live Vulkan

Today I’ve made a substantial update to one of my open source libraries, “Math3D”, and I’ve changed one of my internal libraries, “GLTools”, on GitHub from private to public, and made it open source as well (technically it always was open source, just this repo was private). Both libraries are published under the MIT license,…Read more
Pretty Pictures…

Dear Diary, It was sometime in 1985 or 86, I’m not sure which, when I found myself in a Radio Shack store looking at a Tandy computer. I was a computer science (EMACS – Engineering Math and Computer Science) major at the University of Louisville, and I was jonesing for a “real computer” as an…Read more
Remembering Seeker
Dear Dairy, this is kind of a throwback Thursday post. I have by many standards had a reasonably successful and enjoyable career. I have some outstanding accomplishments I am very proud of, the greatest of which is probably my OpenGL book (all 7 editions) some years back. Another top contender is “Eye of the Storm”,…Read more
Will Code for Food

So here we are at the end of 2022, and I think I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that I can’t do everything that I think myself capable of, and find so interesting that I just have to do them. I really personify the idea of one’s reach exceeding their grasp and I’m…Read more
What does science tell us?
So often I see the phrase “According to science…”, or “Science tells us that…”, followed by a context that leads me to believe the author really doesn’t know what science is. Science is poorly taught in most public schools, poorly understood by most policy makers, vilified by some religious groups, and most certainly misrepresented by…Read more